I got a good amount done on BB1. I finished two more villages: Shantyton, and the Thieves Hideout. I added in 6 more NPCs in Shantyton and a few quests. You can also gain a temporary 2nd teammate here as well. Here's an image:
I also am starting to add in the dungeons/caves. In the original game they were all connected together as an underworld map, and you progressed by unlocking higher skills and getting items (similar to Zelda:Link to the Past for SNES) but since I am trying to keep this FLASH game under 10MB, that might change. I might have to split up the game into more chapters. One thing I just noticed is the dungeon's Top-Down view doesn't match the ret of the game's 3/4 view. I'll have to try and find a way to fix that...Here's a dungeon pic as well:
As usual I had some half-baked idea for a game and then spent most of the month working on it. In this case it might not be too bad since it's about 90% finished. All the art is done. I'm just adding in the effects and maybe a story. So, It should be uploaded before the end of the week (except... it wasn't. I added in more options and a storyline. End of the month is more likely). The concept is nothing new, just a combination of a dress-up game and a sex game. Mostly I was trying to learn how to use layers, randomized image creation, and image rotation/movement in Flixel. Here's a preview: