In the game, you choose from various hot girls, including a leather-clad dominatrix, a schoolgirl and more. They have names, but lack personality, a big no-no for a fighting game. As a result, you never feel a connection with them.
Missing personality is bad enough, but terrible gameplay is even worse. You swing with the attack buttons, occasionally perform a Super Grab (which is anything but super) and a combo out of sheer luck. Even if you get the hang of the controls, you won't have any fun. What's worse, computer opponents cheat.
Pillowfight Girls looks cheaply made. The girls don't animate with the same jiggle-tastic physics as their counterparts do in Dead or Alive Paradise. Instead, they move with three to four animations. In addition, the backgrounds look horrid, made up of stale wallpapers. As for the music, forget it. The chintzy rock tunes aren't worth a second thought, and the girls don't have much to say.
On the positive side, if you're a horndog looking to peep cute girls, they're here. Furthermore, if you can tolerate the bland gameplay, you can go through Career Mode (a pillow fighting career must be illustrious to some) and unlock sexier outfits. That said, we've seen sexier outfits on weather girls.
Just forget about Pillowfight Girls. Very little ambition went into this game's design and control scheme. Spend the extra cash and invest in Street Fighter IV instead. You'll receive great gameplay and babes like Chun-Li and Cammy.